The Hit Doctor MD Elite Swing Trainer
The Elite Swing Trainer from the Hit Doctor MD easily clips on to your Tanner Tee (batting tee not included) to provide instant swing feedback to help eliminate incorrect swing angles and weak hits to make more consistent hard contact. Unclip when you're finished and store in the included carry bag or your bat bag.
Helps Hitters:
- Stay Short And To The Ball
- Prevent Popups
- Prevent Rollovers
- Work Knob To Ball
- Receive Instant Feedback
PRODUCT UPDATE: Hit Doctor MD has updated their product design effective 11/2023 and the equipment is now yellow and black with a red stem. The red/orange version shown in some photos and videos is no longer available

The Hit Doctor MD Elite Swing Trainer

The Elite Swing Trainer: Improve Your Swing Naturally
The innovative Elite Swing Trainer straps onto your batting tee and provides instant visual feedback when your swing angle is off. By adjusting the location of the repositionable rod from the "easy" outside slot to more advanced slots closer to the ball, hitters can refine their swing with instant feedback if they hit the rod during their swing.